Dear God Why?????? Ask Why!!!

So, try something for me.   Just  little something.  It’s easy and will probably change your life.  Don’t tune out yet, I have something, ask why.

It is that simple, just ask why.  How would this change your life?  Let me first be clear, don’t ask why of anyone other than yourself.  If you stand up to go get a drink, ask why.  If you start to get sleepy, ask why.  If you put your pants on backwards, say it with me now, ask why.


Why is the most powerful question we have in language.  It leaves you open to many responses and a ton of learning.  If you asked why to everything you do, you would either begin to see value in things, or begin to see where you have no reason to do what you are doing.  Take note of those things that have an answer like, because, or I want to.  Those things are not worth much to you.

If you have no good reason, why do what you are doing?  Your time, and energy, could go to something else.  Couldn’t you quickly find something else, if you were doing it right now, you’d have a great answer to why?  Try it out, take a day and ask why.  You never know, it could just change your life, it did mine.

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